Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Will 2016 Be a Banner Year for Hurricanes?

Hat tip to Andy in SD.

 "Current Hurricane estimate for 2016. Still very early and speculative."

Source: WeatherTrends360agweb955.ae-admin.com

Looks to me the folks at WeatherTrends360 are predicting that the hurricane goddesses are going to do a reprise of the 2012, 2011 or even the 2004 hurricane season -- which was a doozy!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Weird Clouds in Norway

Very strange clouds appeared in Norway on December 16th:

dtlange at Robertscribbler noted:

Nacreous clouds appear around the Arctic Circle

Polar stratospheric clouds, also known as nacreous clouds (from nacre, or mother of pearl), are icy structures that form in the lower stratosphere (15 – 25 km) when temperatures drop to around -85 ºC (-121 ºF). They are best observed when the Sun is between 1 and 6 degrees below the horizon.
“High-altitude sunlight shining through tiny ice particles ~10µm across produce the characteristic bright iridescent colors by diffraction and interference. Once thought to be mere curiosities, some PSCs are now known to be associated with the destruction of ozone,” Dr. Tony Phillips of the SpaceWeather.com explains.

Truls Tiller photographed these over Tromsø city, Norway, on December 16, 2015:
