Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Some videos.

All taken in Mid-City New Orleans, La.
Line Cloud - January 9th, 2015
February 22, 2015 is strange.
February 26, 2015 is strange.
March 6, 2015 is strange.
March 17, 2015 is strange.
This cloud was made from contrails!

Line of Light.

Photos taken March 23, 2015, 8:30 in the morning,
in Mid-City New Orleans, Louisiana.

There appears to be a line of light in this cloudy, overcast sky. The line itself is made of clouds.

2015 is strange!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Man's face in the clouds

Taken March 20, 2015 at sunset.
Location: Mid-City, New Orleans, LA, USA

You can see the face in profile at the lower and middle parts of the illuminated cloud "column." The nose and mouth are plainly visible.

2015 is strange.


I'm starting this new blog and I'll be linking to videos on the strangeness of the climate and other events of 2015, including my own. Also I'll be adding pictures.


2015 is strange.